Monsoon Gym and Fight Club

Welcome to Monsoon Gym & Fight Club, the Leading Muay Thai Gym in Koh Tao

Monsoon Gym & Fight Club first introduced Muay Thai to Koh Tao in 2001 and is the leading Muay Thai gym on Koh Tao. The newest location is in the heart of the island, just 100m from Sairee beach and within walking distance of the island’s main pier at Mae Haad. The gym is also within easy reach of ATM’s, 7-11’s, banks, restaurants and nightlife for your convenience.

MG&FC offers a full Western style gym as well as classes in Muay Thai, BJJ, traditional boxing and daily high intensity interval training (HIIT). The gym also offers tasty and nutritious meals and a great communal atmosphere at the on-site aircon dorm rooms. The gym is within close proximity of some fantastic trail running in the steamy hills and jungles of the island. So whatever your fitness goals, Monsoon Gym can help you achieve them on the idyllic paradise of Koh Tao.

MG&FC is fully air-conditioned and all equipment is state of the art. The gym can cater to experienced fighters and beginners. Forr the uninitiated, the trainers can prepare a personal training program to help meet your goals.

Overview of Muay Thai in Koh Tao

One of the world’s toughest, most-intense fight sports, Muay Thai training has recently been embraced by martial arts enthusiasts of all disciplines. People travel from all over the world to train in Thailand, not only to improve their fighting ability, but also to improve their general fitness, weight loss, and body toning.
The head trainer of MG&FC is Sam, who is one of the most experienced Muay Thai trainers in the South of Thailand. Having finished a pro career as a fierce and respected fighter, he’s since trained many former Southern Thai & Lumpinee championsYour Muay Thai training in Koh Tao will start with stretching to loosen up, then cardio training- either a light run or a few minutes of skipping rope. This is followed by intermittent bag work & striking with our trainers, usually making five 3-minute rounds. Each round is followed by a 3-minute session of bag work & 3 minutes of rest. At the end you’ll do ab exercises & further stretching. It’s a simple process, but results are achieved quickly.

As you progress, we’ll introduce stand-up grappling skills & throws, and finally we’ll get you into the ring for sparring sessions with other trainees. For those willing to test their skills in a real Muay Thai fight, we’ll arrange that for you at one of the Muay Thai events on Koh Tao.

Overview of MMA

MMA is the fastest growing sport in the world and what better place to gain some experience than on Koh Tao?
MG&FC puts on BJJ camps regularly with some of the top BJJ trainers around. We’ve got scheduled upcoming camps with Gracie trained black belt Nicolas Gregoriades as well as 10th Planet black belt Nathan Orchard. We also have daily sessions with our core group of Koh Tao based BJJ protégés.


MG&FC’s pricing is affordable and easy to understand. Sessions include Muay Thai, Boxing, Brazilian JiuJitsu or Gladiator.

Single Session

  • 1 Session = 300 THB
  • 6 Sessions = 1500 THB

Monthly Sessions (All monthly training packages include unlimited use of the aircon weight training gym)

  • 12 Sessions = 3000 THB
  • 16 Sessions = 4000 THB
  • 20 Sessions = 5000 THB
  • 24 Sessions = 5500 THB

Monthly Unlimited Package
GYM-ONLY daily, weekly and monthly memberships also available.

Do you have an enquiry? Fill in our quick enquiry form and Monsoon Gym will reply directly.

Location map
